Smoother Scrolling
Have you ever been frustrated that your scroll feels janky and doesn’t smoothly move upon each turn of the mouse wheel? Well, this JS script will help you out.
Add the script to your sitewide header.
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ // $fn.scrollSpeed(step, speed, easing); jQuery.scrollSpeed(200, 800); }); // Custom scrolling speed with jQuery // Source: // Version: 1.0.2 (function($) { jQuery.scrollSpeed = function(step, speed, easing) { var $document = $(document), $window = $(window), $body = $('html, body'), option = easing || 'default', root = 0, scroll = false, scrollY, scrollX, view; if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) return false; $window.on('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { var deltaY = e.originalEvent.wheelDeltaY, detail = e.originalEvent.detail; scrollY = $document.height() > $window.height(); scrollX = $document.width() > $window.width(); scroll = true; if (scrollY) { view = $window.height(); if (deltaY < 0 || detail > 0) root = (root + view) >= $document.height() ? root : root += step; if (deltaY > 0 || detail < 0) root = root <= 0 ? 0 : root -= step; $body.stop().animate({ scrollTop: root }, speed, option, function() { scroll = false; }); } if (scrollX) { view = $window.width(); if (deltaY < 0 || detail > 0) root = (root + view) >= $document.width() ? root : root += step; if (deltaY > 0 || detail < 0) root = root <= 0 ? 0 : root -= step; $body.stop().animate({ scrollLeft: root }, speed, option, function() { scroll = false; }); } return false; }).on('scroll', function() { if (scrollY && !scroll) root = $window.scrollTop(); if (scrollX && !scroll) root = $window.scrollLeft(); }).on('resize', function() { if (scrollY && !scroll) view = $window.height(); if (scrollX && !scroll) view = $window.width(); }); }; jQuery.easing.default = function (x,t,b,c,d) { return -c * ((t=t/d-1)*t*t*t - 1) + b; }; })(jQuery); </script>
Author: admin
Uploaded: 22 April 2024