Snippet: Remove RSS feed links

Removing RSS feed links in WordPress might be necessary for a few reasons:

  1. Unused Feature: If you’re not utilizing RSS feeds or don’t want to offer them to your audience, having those links visible can clutter your website unnecessarily.
  2. Confusion Prevention: RSS feeds might confuse some visitors who aren’t familiar with them. Removing the links can streamline the user experience, especially if your target audience doesn’t typically use RSS feeds.
  3. Focus on Other Channels: If you prefer to direct your audience to other channels for content consumption, such as social media or email newsletters, removing RSS feed links can help emphasize those channels.
  4. Security Concerns: Although rare, leaving RSS feed links accessible could potentially expose your website to security risks if not properly secured.

However, if you actively use RSS feeds or have an audience that relies on them for content consumption, removing the links might not be the best choice. It’s always essential to consider your audience’s preferences and your content distribution strategy when making decisions like this.

Add the following PHP code to your custom code within the builder / code plugin.

remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links', 2 );
remove_action('wp_head', 'feed_links_extra', 3 );